Fitneszedző, színésznő, modellek – íme, a 2020-as Super Bowl legszebb feleségei és barátnői!
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2020.02.02. 20:28
Magyar idő szerint hétfő éjjel rendezik meg az NFL nagydöntőjét, az 54. Super Bowlt, amelyen a San Francisco 49ers a Kansas City Chiefsszel csap össze. A nagy csata előtt most a finálé főszereplőinek feleségeit és barátnőit mutatjuk be. Olvasóink arról dönthetnek, melyik együttes nyeri meg a „szépségversenyt”.

Claire Colette (modell), George Kittle (San Francisco 49ers) felesége:Claire Colette (modell), George Kittle (San Francisco 49ers) felesége:

Yayaya for birthday month & one of my favorite holidays, Cinco de Mayo! only thing that could make this day better would be spending it on this beach with my chicas. Who else finds it easy to celebrate today?! margs up!

2,040 Likes, 41 Comments - C L A I R E * C O L E T T E (@clairekittle) on Instagram: "Yayaya for birthday month & one of my favorite holidays, Cinco de Mayo! only thing that could..."

Honeymooning blog post is now live link in bio We're sitting here planning our next trip to Cabo so figured I should finish up the details from our last one @gkittle46 favorite photo from the whole trip. Shocking ik Where is your favorite beach destination!? Lmk

9,008 Likes, 191 Comments - C L A I R E * C O L E T T E (@clairekittle) on Instagram: "Honeymooning blog post is now live link in bio We're sitting here planning our next trip to..."

Took me more than a minute to process all that Sunday was NFC CHAMPIONS! & that is no small feat I could not be more proud of this guy right here. Lets freaking go to Miami babyyyy!!!!! Next up #SuperbowlLIV

15.2k Likes, 170 Comments - C L A I R E * C O L E T T E (@clairekittle) on Instagram: "Took me more than a minute to process all that Sunday was NFC CHAMPIONS! & that is no small..."

Stephanie Toilolo (modell, színésznő), Levine Toilolo (San Francisco 49ers) felesége:

Mission Miami, a series. Officially underway. -also, this is the universal sign language for *insert boujee drink here*

1,881 Likes, 228 Comments - (@steph_toilolo) on Instagram: "Mission Miami, a series. Officially underway. -also, this is the universal sign language for..."

Lace up, let's go for a casual neighborhood stroll. Is this jumpsuit from @nadinemerabi not the dreamiest?!

1,569 Likes, 88 Comments - (@steph_toilolo) on Instagram: "Lace up, let's go for a casual neighborhood stroll. Is this jumpsuit from..."

Ashlyn Buckner (fitneszedző), DeForest Buckner (San Francisco 49ers) felesége:

Colorado bound to cheer on our ducks!

469 Likes, 9 Comments - Ashlyn Buckner (@ashlyn_buckner) on Instagram: "Colorado bound to cheer on our ducks! "

Arrivederci, Italia

687 Likes, 23 Comments - Ashlyn Buckner (@ashlyn_buckner) on Instagram: "Arrivederci, Italia"

Psalm 5:12 First home game of the year to the NFC Championship game. I am so proud of this man! Go finish what you started!

1,370 Likes, 62 Comments - Ashlyn Buckner (@ashlyn_buckner) on Instagram: "Psalm 5:12 First home game of the year to the NFC Championship game. I am so proud of this man!..."

Brittany Matthews (fitneszedző), Patrick Mahomes (Kansas City Chiefs) barátnője:

Game timeeee!!!

39.1k Likes, 580 Comments - Brittany Matthews (@brittanylynne) on Instagram: "Game timeeee!!! "

Will be reminiscing on summer until summer is back

16.2k Likes, 109 Comments - Brittany Matthews (@brittanylynne) on Instagram: "Will be reminiscing on summer until summer is back"

YOU DID IT BABE #chiefskingdom

117.3k Likes, 2,544 Comments - Brittany Matthews (@brittanylynne) on Instagram: "YOU DID IT BABE #chiefskingdom"

Brooke Lynn (fehérnemű-modell), Mitchell Schwartz (Kansas City Chiefs) felesége:

3,641 Likes, 106 Comments - Brooke Lynn (@brooke.lynn.19) on Instagram: ""

@indiumintimates just launched their website!! I adore all the feminine details of this set. I always try to shop local and their website makes it that much easier

2,019 Likes, 63 Comments - Brooke Lynn (@brooke.lynn.19) on Instagram: "@indiumintimates just launched their website!! I adore all the feminine details of this set. I..."

GAME TIME #chiefskingdom

5,759 Likes, 152 Comments - Brooke Lynn (@brooke.lynn.19) on Instagram: "GAME TIME #chiefskingdom"

Kayla Nicole (riporter, modell), Travis Kelce (Kansas City Chiefs) barátnője:

my summers been special.

24.8k Likes, 215 Comments - Kayla Nicole (@iamkaylanicole) on Instagram: "my summers been special."

lil baby.

14.6k Likes, 95 Comments - Kayla Nicole (@iamkaylanicole) on Instagram: "lil baby."


Melyik csapat feleségei és barátnői nyertek Önnél?


Az összeállítás a The Sun gyűjtése alapján készült.


WILD CARD MÉRKŐZÉSEK (2020. január 4. – január 5.)
New England Patriots (3.)–Tennessee Titans (6.)
Houston Texans (4.)–Buffalo Bills (5.) 22–19 – h. u.
New Orleans Saints (3.)–Minnesota Vikings (6.) 20–26 – h. u.
Philadelphia Eagles (4.)–Seattle Seahawks (5.) 9–17
KONFERENCIA-ELŐDÖNTŐK (2020. január 11. – január 13.)
Baltimore Ravens (1.)–Tennessee Titans (6.) 12–28
Kansas City Chiefs (2.)–Houston Texans (4.) 51–31
San Francisco 49ers (1.)–Minnesota Vikings(6.) 27–10
Green Bay Packers (2.)–Seattle Seahawks(5.) 28–23
KONFERENCIADÖNTŐK (2020. január 19. – január 20.)
Kansas City Chiefs (2.)–Tennessee Titans (6.) 35–24
San Francisco 49ers (1.)–Green Bay Packers (2.) 37–20
SUPER BOWL 54 (2020. február 3.)
Kansas City Chiefs (2.)–San Francisco 49ers (1.) 0.30*
*Hard Rock Stadium (Miami, Florida)
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