László Fazekas suffers from muscular dystrophy and is confined to a wheelchair, but he is optimistic

V. GY.V. GY.
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2022.10.11. 13:48
László Fazekas turns 75 years old this week (Photo: Attila Török)
László Fazekas will be celebrated on Saturday on his 75th birthday. The former 92-time Hungarian national team Silver Boot striker of Újpesti Dózsa, Royal Antwerp FC, and Sint-Truiden is battling with illness, as his friends and acquaintances have already found out from his social media page.


"The problems started almost a year ago, the symptoms appeared," said László Fazekas, who is currently in Spain. “I lost strength first in my legs, then my hands. I couldn't climb stairs, and I had to stop going for long walks. The doctors said muscular dystrophy causes the illness. I am in a wheelchair, and I can't stand up without my wife's help. I receive treatment twice a week, hoping that I will not have to spend the rest of my life in a chair. It's an unusual situation for a former striker who used to kick goals or serve his teammates in good health, and although I've become mobility-impaired, my illness doesn't affect my mood. I'm positive although I can't run anymore; I'm optimistic about my recovery. And I want to believe that I can get out of the wheelchair."

Translated by Vanda Orosz

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