Champions League: RB Leipzig hosts Liverpool in Budapest – Official

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2021.02.08. 13:23
Another Champions League match is in Puskás Aréna in mid-February (Photo: Attila Török)
RB Leipzig has announced on its official Twitter handle that they will host Liverpool in Puskás Aréna on February 16 for the first leg of their Champions League last 16-tie.


We've reported previously that RB Leipzig, which also employs Hungarian national team members Péter Gulácsi, Willi Orbán and Dominik Szoboszlai, wouldn't be able to host the English rival in its own stadium because Germany had imposed an entry ban on certain countries, including Great Britain until February 17. A spokesman for the Ministry of Interior of Germany told German news agency dpa on Thursday that the police had rejected Leipzig's special request. Now, Leipzig as the host of the match would have to find a solution according to UEFA's rules.

Even right after the police's rejection was made public, it was mentioned that the match against Liverpool could take place in Puskás Arena in Budapest, but even the home of sister team RB Salzburg and Tottenham's London Stadium were an option.

However, the new final venue is Puskás Aréna. The Germans had to let the UEFA know by Monday where they want to host the match, so the risk of canceling the game and handing Liverpool a 3-0 win has been annulled.

Liverpool also shared the news on their official website.

April 2 is set as the latest possible date to finish the last-16 games, and the Leipzig-Liverpool rematch would be held in England on March 10.


The women's Champions League final was held successfully in the past, and the men's Super Cup final in Hungary was hosted with on-site spectators for the first time after the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic. Hungary was the neutral venue for European Cup qualifiers during the summer as well. FTC welcomed Juventus and Barcelona here during the Champions League group stage. Both UEFA and the participating teams as well as fans were fully satisfied with the organization, and the arena's goal line technology and video referee system debuted, summarized the news.

In the summer Hungary will co-host the Men's European Championship as well as the U21 Europeans the same year, and possibly the Europa League final could be organized in the country in 2023.

Borussia Mönchengladbach is also looking for a new possible venue in case Germany extended the entry ban as the team is supposed to host Manchester City in the eighth finals.

Translated by Vanda Orosz

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