The players of Pick Szeged apologize in an open letter

R. P.R. P.
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2022.10.08. 20:37
Head coach Juan Carlos Pastor (Photo: Attila Török)
All members of Pick Szeged men's handball team have signed a letter apologizing for the team's performance. Juan Carlos Pastor's side suffered a crushing 41-29 defeat to Danish team Aalborg in the 4th round of the Champions League and remain only defeated in their group.


Here is the letter, published without changes:

"Our fans!

We apologize! This performance, this result that we produced on Thursday night, was not worthy of PICK Szeged, of the blue jersey that we wear week after week. This performance cannot and must not be explained. But we must admit that we made a big mistake. We know that we cannot afford to do this again.

Our fans didn't deserve that because they stood by us until the last minute, they didn't offend us, they only encouraged us. We owe them nothing but gratitude for being there for the team even in that situation.

Szeged men's handball has achieved great success in these sixty years. Our predecessors did a lot to enable us to play in such a prestigious club. It is up to us, the entire squad and the professional staff, to get back on the path that brings victories. We can only achieve this together. There's not much time to do this because the season is ongoing, and important matches are coming up where we can't make any mistakes. We have to work harder, with even more will, with even more drive, with total dedication, just like the #kékek fans did on Thursday night. With a pure heart, fighting for Szeged handball.


Bence Bánhidi, Roland Mikler, Mirko Alilovic, Bogdan Radivojevic, Mario Sostaric, Kent Robin Tönnesen, Imanol Garciandía, Dean Bombac, Miguel Martins, Miklós Rosta, Matej Gaber, Richárd Bodó, Zoltán Szita, Borut Mackovsek, Luka Stepancic, Sebastian Frimmel, Alexander Blonz, Juan Carlos Pastor, Marko Kirvokapic, Nenad Damjanovic, Slobodan Acimov, dr. István Szabó, Dr. Csaba Janka, Djordje Ignjatovic, Lóránt Sremchev, Dr. Ernő Péter Szűcs, Bence Kiss, Iván Dobozi, Ádám Ollár, Róbert Süli, Ferenc Szabó."

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