Football: Paul Shaw is happy with Fradi's good performance 

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2022.12.19. 23:17
András Igaz (left), CEO of Sportfive, the operator of Groupama Aréna, surprised Paul Shaw with a new Fradi jersey (Photo: Nemzeti Sport)
Paul Shaw, former Ferencváros striker, returned to Budapest for the first time in twelve years. In an interview with our newspaper, he talked about his time with the Green and Whites, Péter Lipcsei's talent, Hungarian players in the MLS and the Hungarian national team.



– The Fradi stadium wasn't like this in your era, was it?
– No, and the pitch is also turned by ninety degrees – said Paul Shaw, who strengthened Ferencváros as a striker between October 2008 and June 2010, to Nemzeti Sport. – The facility is wonderful, and it is special that the Groupama Aréna was built on the same land where the Albert Stadium stood. I haven't been to Budapest since I left the club; it's amazing how much the club has developed.

– What emotions did you return with?
– I was very much looking forward to this journey because my wife and I wanted to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary in Budapest, but we had to postpone the trip by two years because of the coronavirus. We were a happy family in Hungary, and my two sons loved living here, too. It is a special place for us.

– Many people were surprised in 2008 to learn that the former Premier League player signed for second-division club Ferencváros. Why did you decide to do that?
– I chose Fradi because of its history. Everyone in England knows the club and it didn't matter to me what division it was in. I was the first English player of the McCabe era, I had to live up to the expectations as an Arsenal youngster, but I always felt I fit in with the team. Although the pressure was huge, I didn't feel like a burden because I always gave 100 percent. I've always had that mentality, but in Hungary, it made me want to win even more. I experienced first-hand how much it means to the club and the fans to get back to the first division. As an older footballer, I had the task of helping to integrate the youngsters, but the priority was to help them get promoted and level up. We were disappointed in the first season because we didn't achieve our goal, but it was a huge motivation for the next season to win the second division. That's why I'm delighted with the league titles, the Champions League and Europa League performances because this club belongs there.

– What are your favorite experiences at Ferencváros?
– I've loved playing football here from day one, so there are many good ones. János Csank led the first training session, and Péter Lipcsei's talent was already obvious to me back then, he kicked the ball wherever he wanted. I wished we had been on the same team five years earlier. My two goals in my first home game against Kazincbarcika are also memorable, and I can recall the uproar after I scored the first goal. The first game against ZTE, which we won 4-1 in NB I, is unforgettable, as well as my last game in Ferencváros. However, I remember the most the people who gave me so much love and selfless help.

– You left FTC at the age of thirty-seven. What direction did your life take?
– To prepare for life after my playing career, I completed my UEFA B-license training in Budapest. We then moved to England for a short time, and I became a player-coach for a club in New York. A year and a half later, I got a job with Orlando - more than ten years ago. My role has changed a lot, as the manager of the MLS club's youth department, I help the coaches, set the professional direction, analyze and scout the players. I love my job, it's a great pleasure to see a youngster make it to the senior team right in front of my eyes.

– Since you're following the MLS in person, what do you think of the Hungarian players in the league?
– Dániel Gazdag has had an amazing season. His first few months in Philadelphia were spent settling in, but in the season behind us, he gave the impression of a mentally strong player; he performed outstandingly. I wouldn't be surprised to see him step up a level, I could see him in a strong European league. Dániel Sallói is also a good player, he has been a balanced performer for years.

– Finally, what do you think of the England-Hungary matches in the Nations League?
– I have to admit that none of the victories were down to luck for the Hungarian national team. They're a very organized and competitive team. It's good to see young players being integrated into the team, but it's a pity that they didn't qualify for the World Cup. Given their playing strength, they should have been there.

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