ECA: UEFA President will arrive in Budapest
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2023.03.22. 14:02
Aleksander Ceferin (Photo: AFP)
According to Nemzeti Sport, Aleksander Ceferin, President of the European Football Association (UEFA), will visit Budapest, Hungary. The sporting leader will attend the general assembly of the European Club Association (ECA) that represents the interests of professional association football clubs in UEFA.

The ECA was founded fifteen years ago and will hold a gala dinner on March 27 at the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest ahead of this year's general assembly. The annual general meeting will take place the next day, on the 28th.

According to an earlier announcement by the organization, the President of the association and President-CEO of French club PSG, Nasser Al-Khelaifi, will attend the event but several well-known sports leaders will also be in Budapest.

The ECA currently has four Hungarian clubs as members – Ferencváros as a regular, and Budapest Honvéd, Debrecen VSC and Mol Fehérvár FC as associates.

Translated by Vanda Orosz

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