Swimming: Katinka Hosszú announces that she is expecting a baby

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2023.03.17. 18:34
Katinka Hosszú is expecting a child (Photo: Csaba Dömötör)
Katinka Hosszú has announced on her Instagram that she is expecting a child. The three-time Olympic champion revealed the news in a video message.

In the video, swimming mates such as Zsuzsanna Jakabos and Kristóf Milák described Hosszú with one word. At the end of the video, Hosszú used the word "mother" to confirm the fact that she is in the family way.

At the beginning of February, she told Nemzeti Sport the following regarding her future:

“I have a long way to go, it's never easy to come back. Though I promise I'll get back to you when I have a clearer vision. But as I said, the most important thing for me is that I love going to the pool; swimming has never been a "must" in my life and I think it will stay that way. Results that will enhance the reputation of Hungarian swimming are not only achieved in the water. And I believe in that too.”

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