Képek: íme, a ringlányok Mayweatherék meccsén!

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2017.08.26. 13:59
A küzdősportok szerelmesei alig várták a Floyd Mayweather–Conor McGregor összecsapást, amelyet magyar idő szerint vasárnap hajnalban rendeztek. A mérkőzés előtti napokban az is kiderült, melyik négy ringlány kapta meg a bizalmat a szervezőktől. Mutatjuk!

Jessica Harbour Jessica Harbour

Wait. Weekend don't leave. @wickedneesh

3,292 Likes, 61 Comments - Jessica Harbour (@jessharbour) on Instagram: "Wait. Weekend don't leave. @wickedneesh"

When there's a slow walker in front of me Just kidding! Kinda

2,197 Likes, 27 Comments - Jessica Harbour (@jessharbour) on Instagram: "When there's a slow walker in front of me Just kidding! Kinda "

Kyra Keli

#humpday giving me some serious Hawaii nostalgia over here in Vegas like purple rain:puuuuurple rain!

1,439 Likes, 52 Comments - Kyra Keli (@kyrakeli) on Instagram: "#humpday giving me some serious Hawaii nostalgia over here in Vegas like purple rain:puuuuurple..."

I'm pretty green with @fashionnova so show them I'm worth their while by shopping with my 15% off code:kyrakeli Both the shoes and the dress are suuuper comfy! Tag a friend that would like this look!

1,008 Likes, 16 Comments - Kyra Keli (@kyrakeli) on Instagram: "I'm pretty green with @fashionnova so show them I'm worth their while by shopping with my 15% off..."

Samantha Kumiko

Look Ma, no hands! @jpaullphoto

649 Likes, 64 Comments - Samantha Kumiko (@samanthakumiko) on Instagram: "Look Ma, no hands! @jpaullphoto"

Are you going to eat all those french fries? #bikini : #acaciaswimwear @carlyarnwine

1,309 Likes, 167 Comments - Samantha Kumiko (@samanthakumiko) on Instagram: "Are you going to eat all those french fries? #bikini : #acaciaswimwear @carlyarnwine"

Tawny Jordan

#Ibiza you were amazing until my next journey with @paradisechallenge either in the #Maldives or #Jamaica ask me how to join if you're a #model or #photographer #BTS

8,015 Likes, 154 Comments - TAWNY JORDAN (@tawnyjordan) on Instagram: "#Ibiza you were amazing until my next journey with @paradisechallenge either in the #Maldives or..."


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