CR vele próbálja meg összehozni a Bayern München klasszisát! – KÉPEK
Vágólapra másolva!
2017.10.18. 12:26
Úgy tűnik, Cristiano Ronaldo nemcsak futballistaként, hanem kerítőként is világklasszis. Sajtóhírek szerint ugyanis James Rodrígueznek, a Bayern München klasszisának talált új barátnőt a Real Madrid portugálja.

James július óta szabad újra, miután hivatalossá vált, elválik Daniela Ospinától.

A beszámolója szerint Cristiano Ronaldo korábbi csapattársát egy modellel, Helga Lovekatyval próbálja összehozni.

Korábban már felvetődött a pletyka, hogy a modell és a futballista randiznak, ám a hírek szerint akkor semmi alapja nem volt a sztorinak.

Ám mivel CR mindkettőjüket ismeri, mégis elindított valamit…

A hölgy képeit látva egyébként talán mindenki számára érthető lesz, miért van 3.7 millió követője Instagramon…

Sunny Indonesia

So great to do only what I want #monday

I adore early autumn especially if I understand that it came only by the calendar. What is your favorite season?

Do you like the current view of my inta feed? I see that a lot of IG accounts use one filter for all pictures. I use different filters or no filters. Do u have any ideas for make my IG account more attractive?

As you probably already noticed, if the account liked the post, this post becomes #recommended for followers of this account. Therefore if I will like the post, this theoretically will be recommended to more than 3 million #followers. Now let's talk about something else. Do you remember the Fight Club movie? The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about #FightClub. So I decided to make some #rules for my account. So the first rule: everytime I will like the last post of the first 50 accounts that like and write positive comment to each my new post (only smiles and emoji do not apply). P.S. are u waiting for new Fight Club movie? Will it be at all? Any information about it?

A lot of my followers asked me which of the #StarWars characters is my favorite. I think this is #DarthVader. I watched the film a hundred times and a hundred times convinced that young #AnakinSkywalker was guided only by good intentions in their actions. The chain of circumstances simply pushed Anakin to the #DarkSide, although in his heart he remained devoted to his ideals. First of all, this is too bureaucratized teacher #ObiWanKenobi, who absolutely didn't make any corrections to the uniqueness of the situation of the young #Skywalker. Secondly, the problems and double standards of the #JediOrder, which actually led Anakin's lost of his mother and family. And of course, the final point was the battle of #MaceWindu vs #Palpatin, where Anakin saw no differences between #jedi and #sith. The situation is very similar to real life, in which any following extreme points, whether the #lightside or the dark side does not bring anything good. Not stupid ceremonies but the force is realy important.That's why I always respect Darth Vader and #QuiGon. I look forward to the development of the history of #GrayJedi. Who is your favorit character? May the force be with you #helga #helgamodel #episodeVIII #starwarsfan #starwarsday #starwarsart #maytheforcebewithyou #theforceawakens #stormtrooper #r2d2 #LukeSkywalker

I'm planing to visit #Tunisia soon. It's the country where Tatooine planet from Star Wars was filmed. I'm looking forward to this trip and new thematic shootings here. #helga #helgamodel #bali #indonesia


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