Magyar foci
Külföldi foci
Nemzeti Sportrádió
A 2023-as év kezdete óta Rodri nyolc trófeát nyert, míg összesen csak négyszer szenvedett vereséget csapatával klub- és válogatott szinten.
Since the start of 2023, Rodri has lifted twice as many trophies (8) as he has lost games (4) for club and country.◉ 2x Premier League◉ 1x FA Cup◉ 1x Champions League◉ 1x Super Cup◉ 1x Club World Cup◉ 1x Nations League◉ 1x European Championship◉ 22/23 UCL Final…— Squawka (@Squawka) July 14, 2024
Since the start of 2023, Rodri has lifted twice as many trophies (8) as he has lost games (4) for club and country.◉ 2x Premier League◉ 1x FA Cup◉ 1x Champions League◉ 1x Super Cup◉ 1x Club World Cup◉ 1x Nations League◉ 1x European Championship◉ 22/23 UCL Final…