A 24 éves futballista hitvesi csókkal akarta megünnepelni a találatát, s nem vette észre, hogy a játék nélküle folytatódott a pályán. A történethez tartozik, hogy a felvételek alapján nem volt lesállás a gól előtt.
One of this weekend's funniest moments in Bulgarian football: Wanderson scoring for Ludogorets against Slavia, then celebrating by kissing his wife in the stands, without realising his goal has been ruled for offside. To top it all off, there was NO offside https://t.co/EtXjsJGpte
Ludogorets (in green) were denied a crystal clear goal for an offside that never was. Scorer Wanderson ran to the stands where he celebrated by kissing his wife without realising his goal was ruled out. The kiss, though, stood